Our Urgent Needs

Water Well Projects

Drill water wells in villages and small towns where there is no running water.

Health Awareness Campaigns

Develop awareness campaigns for the cultivation of herbs, plants, fruit trees, and vegetables that help promote health.

Community Health Seminars

Provide health seminars to emphasize importance of community health and education to parents.

Spiritual Guidance Initiatives

Give Bible studies to help address chemical dependencies, depression, anxiety, and addictions by promoting trust in God.

Addressing Urgent Needs

We need water wells drilled in many villages to provide clean water to the villagers. There is also need for tools and supplies for agriculture, such as hoes, machetes, boots, gloves, and a truck. Due to the intense heat and unpredictable storms, we would like to build shelters in the mission’s crop fields for the workers to shelter in. The biggest need is to build a missionary building where we can hold mission seminars, lectures, and have Bible classes; as well as a place to house the unsupervised children who run around freely in the villages.


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